Yes, liberals allow pedophile drag queens to read story time books to your children in public school… and here’s proof

With each successive generation since the 1960s, the Left has successfully managed to debase our culture, degrade our sense of morality, and alter our cultural mores in such a way that Americans born even 60 years ago no longer recognize the country in which they were born in.

But no matter how bad the degradation has gotten, the Left is never quite finished with the job. One head-shaking outrage begets another. And another. Soon, the only thing that we will be able to say about American cultural values is that they no longer exist, and it will be at that moment that the country will cease to exist as well.

While men have dressed up as women for hundreds of years, only recently has the practice become so “mainstream” that we would tolerate and even encourage a drag queen to read stories to our children, and in a publicly-funded venue.

And yet, that’s what was going on in Houston — that is, until just recently. As PJ Media reports, the Houston Chapter of Drag Queen Story Hour was a real thing, but organizers have been forced to cancel their future events after they discovered that one of their ‘performers’ had been convicted for sexually assaulting an eight-year-old boy.


The Houstonia added that the founders of the Houston Drag Queen Story Hour — Trent Lira and Devin Will — announced the program’s end in a statement that provided additional details surrounding the events that in another time would have outraged a parent to do physical harm upon the offender:

News broke that one of our former readers was a sex offender. She was part of story time before [Houston Public Library] started enforcing background checks for every performer, and hasn’t been back since they started. When Trent spoke to the queen in question this weekend, she confirmed that she had been convicted in 2009. It was devastating. We had insisted and insisted that what we were doing was safe for children, and yet here was a performer who had been charged with sexual assault of a minor. 

The “she” in the statement is Alberto Garza, whose stage name is Tatiana Mala-Nina, a 32-year-old child sex offender, convicted, who had been involved in reading to children throughout the duration of the program.

When you’re a busted Leftist, just claim to be the REAL victim

What’s even more unbelievable is that the Houston library in question had to be legally forced into conducting background checks. The library was subjected to a lawsuit by several protestors who claimed, presciently, that allowing drag queens that kind of intimate access to children was an inherently bad idea and potentially endangering to the kids. (Related: Female HS student files federal civil rights complaint over sharing locker room with transgender: ‘I felt violated.’)

Who could have predicted that?

In part, the lawsuit read, “With the government’s symbolic stamp of approval, the Drag Queen Story Hour amounts to a form of sexual grooming of 2 to 10-year-olds by adult males dressed as females… The event is not about ‘diversity,’ it is about grooming children for government-approved sexual exploitation.”

The lawsuit was eventually dismissed but again, only after the public institution agreed to do even a cursory safety check on men who have an abnormal — yes, it’s abnormal — proclivity: Not just dressing as women but ‘performing’ as dressed-up women.

Will and Lira confirmed in their statement that had the lawsuit not been filed, no background checks would have been done. But as is also becoming the norm, the offenders or, in this case, the enablers to the offense, Will and Lira, are claiming victimhood status.

“We have tried so hard to take the high road, to not stoop to mud-slinging. We have patiently listened to the people that declared we were sexualizing and molesting children. We have asked counter-protesters to be peaceful or not show up at all. We have been calm. We have been collected. But we are angry. And we are tired. And we are sick of well-intentioned but misinformed news stories that have only polarized people more,” their statement said.

As bad as the cultural rot in our country has become, it would be much worse if none of us fought back.

Read more stories about how social justice warriors are destroying our gender-confused culture at and

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